About Me

Hi! I’m a graduate student in physics at Caltech in the Exoplanet Technology Lab led by Professor Dimitri Mawet. My research interests lie in optical and near-infrared instrumentation for the detection, imaging, and spectroscopy of exoplanets. Specifically, I look for ways to reduce contamination from starlight, both in hardware and through post-processing with statistical methods.

Previously, I obtained a MS in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT and a BS in Physics from Caltech. I am a recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

First-Author Publications

Efficient Detection and Characterization of Exoplanets within the Diffraction Limit: Nulling with a Mode-selective Photonic Lantern: ApJ (Open Access)

On-sky Speckle Nulling through a Single-Mode Fiber with the Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer: arXiv, JATIS

Coronagraphic Data Post-processing Using Projections on Instrumental Modes: ApJ (Open Access)

Laboratory demonstration of a Photonic Lantern Nuller in monochromatic and broadband light: arXiv, JATIS

For additional information, see: ORCID